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Showing posts from November, 2020

Why Hire An Attorney To Defend You: Here Are 7 Good Reasons

By Law Offices | Felicia Yates & Associates 1)  Fighting a simple Traffic Infraction charge, or a more serious Misdemeanor charge, as an example, can involve a lot of time, preparation, effort, and expense. If you do not prevail, you may incur negligent operator points, insurance premium increases, employment repercussions, excessive fine amounts, restrictions on your driver's license status, and possible county jail time. If you rely upon your license to earn a living (such as a commercial driver or CDL holder), it is even more important to optimize your chances of an acquittal or reduction of your charges.   2)  In San Bernardino County, California (which includes, among others, the Superior courthouses of Barstow, Fontana, and San Bernardino, and Victorville), there are two (2) proceedings required to fully contest a Traffic Infraction charge - an Arraignment and a Court Trial. These two events generally take place thirty (30) days apart from each other...

What Are The Penalties For Speeding In Excess Of 100 MPH

By Law Offices | Felicia Yates & Associates California Vehicle Code Section 22348(b) defines the Penalties & Driving Restrictions you may be facing if convicted of operating a motor vehicle in excess of 100 MPH.   If you have received a speeding ticket for driving in excess of 100 MPH while traveling along Interstate 15 on your way to or from fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada for example, Interstate 40 on your way to or from Laughlin, Nevada or Colorado River city destinations such as Lake Havasu for example, or on any other highway in the state of California, you can be assessed a base fine amount of up to $500.00 on a first-offense, up to $750.00 for a second offense within a three-year period, and up to $1,000.00 for a third offense within a five-year period of time, if convicted. In addition to the statutory base fine, the state and county will add penalty assessments which as of January 1, 2020, would bring the total amount of bail/ fine monies owed on a first o...



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