By Law Offices | Felicia Yates & Associates Speed Enforced by CHP Aircraft (and Ground Units) If you have traveled up and down California's freeway and highway system - especially the more rural or desolate sections - you have undoubtedly seen the signs "Speed Enforced by Aircraft" or "Speed Patrolled by Aircraft." I can remember these being posted along many of the highways I was traveling upon, back when I was growing up - I would envision a plane (or helicopter) swooping down out of the sky (and possibly landing on the highway) in pursuit of traffic defendants. New technology has made air patrols less prominent these days - they are now used more often in the pursuit of fleeing felons, DUIs, missing person searches, and generally tracking down suspects running from law enforcement. However, they are still being utilized, especially out on desert highways (I-15 between Barstow, CA and Primm, Nevada (aka State Line), and the I-40 between Barstow, CA and Nee...
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